Tails Goes On A Crazy Adventure where he learns of love and kindness and everything in between

This story if sykfking real belive in thjis me
I thoyjght that whe I was walking to schol one day there was a grl ahwo had a sonSic .Exe gae and I wanted it so fucking bad. When I stile the game from her purse I walked on home and pan then put it in ny caasee and payklyed it a little bit. Suddelt there awas a trilnae g on teh screen and I knew taht it was Illuminati. I scaredme and then Jack sacame in with a predeiction. "You muct rock the fuck out." JAck said and then he left the rokm to pla eanf epre ka ixl. I was cscared beyung belife tbeacue Soice was the scrapiest fcreepypastsa of all timef cuking tme. I was wlajing alon the schrett when i saw Hyperfrelaistci Tails and he was looking at tehe Hig Schol, Ucisla girld do it. Then I bgot boner. I was in love. Adn then ai waas froce to play was Tails and he had the story line. Shadows awas giving him mentor. "U must kill Sonic." Shadow said and then Gokut kicke cbutt into the room and challned them both to a e off dance way. Tails was loling as he piss hyper replistic pee all over the iwnod sill like the bobos tin Star Wars. Jack loved this gae to I aeven aksed him beut maybe not not he was to bust reading Raffenthigyt 451 whil I asked thim. Then there was a trool and teh was taling about him and his Shrek life. "It's not ogre It's notve r ogre get it because that is part of his solgan." Then Tails when on to the rmairketway in Ruissa and he was met by Batman ahwo was looking at Iron Man ship for a wedding dress. Then there was a vion and it was scry. In the viosn Sonicexe was beating up hyperrelaistic army and killing people sfor their grafity an then Tails knew that he must kill sonci. Tails when inon tonit the boBBmaon land and then he loled like 111100000111 and then fucked on the screen. Sonic came and said I am god. Tails said no you are not and then Chuck Norris Kickec him in da face and then Sonic was angry and the CAts showed up. All your ba rare fuckng bleoneg to fucking us and then Jar Jar came in and then found a young person who was doing it with CLint Eastwood. Tails found a way to Fanta lake ane then ied and then revied because Soncia was not done with him yet. I will keill yu off until I am tired of t wthen I will kill Knuclkles. Tails was scared. What if Sonic took ove rthe world like tH Illumninatil. Then Tals dracnk Fnata lake all nd then gave bitrh to Fanta babie and they jined teh revoutkn and the Pickahu cmae in and then loled111 fuckined times. Then Chris Hansen came in and sadid saidt over there your fucking pervert because Tails was in love with all the elemetraty school girls. Get it because he has gross fantatsies. Then Tails was talking to Chris Hansen and then he turned into A Draginoytie and then Tails had to kill it and then he piisedd fire on it and then Dragonite dead and then they asmterbate and then 11111 and then fuck lol. Then Tails went to White house and blewed it up and then Sonci came back and said I am god and then Robotnix gave him a double kick yelling Pingas both times. Tails was glad that Robtinkc was a good giut rofr the tm being. tHne Rnoktinik eft the room and then Tails was undergorund maze. He ws looking for the answr in teh Teple of Dom when Dracula came in and fuckec Inagidna Jones in teh ass until it blew up in a thiusand suns like he did wen Ray Bradubury killed him off ina Farenhuet 451. Drauls was Jeff the Killers gay lover nad tehy were doing it and Tails wan recording it while he as gettijng a nuke to blow dthem nhigh and hiwide like in the scary moie 5. I then realized something big. Area 51 was abondedoned by Sonic .exe and then Tails ha to go back ad then OH NO WHAT ABOUT H I HIOEP HE LIVES Iorn AMoGriant Yelled and the Dean wAs THERE WAS TO EKLP SUPOORT HIM PLEASE LOL!!!!!111 nan ethen Story Was FaR FrOm Overe1111 save the place again. He knfew all the way tober to Area 51 an founc Sonice fkciubg there and then he sad I am god and then Tails kickec im in the balss over 9000 tmes and tehn Sonic creid hypoer realistic bloo d and then Tails laughed meaninga nd then then the te wordl wwas happy thrre was one final battle othough. It was going to be on tip of place claled Obama land. SO then Tails flew ina dn then Apyor and the Dagon was lready there and ten with Darh VAder and the Iron Pand and then Iron Giant and then Nepgear having sex with Jack and Morgan in love. Taisl pounced on Sonic doet ee and then forced him fdown the mountaina nd then Sonice borke his back and tehn Tails was down there and he died and then was revived. 28 666 days later he had a party cleebtrating his victory and then all was goo. I bea t the game but I was scared for liefe. I pissed and then all was scary. I coul dnver escae teh game no mater how mhar d I fucking tried it was imposible. Save me this story is rea and I need yoru fucking help!!!!!!!!!!!!11111111111111111111111